Sprint Video
I compete in the Curborough sprint championship near Lichfield. In order to improve, I installed a data logger and camera in the car so that I can produce videos like this one here: It is on YouTube, so select HQ to see the overlays.
To do this, I used the following equipment:
1. A Racelogic
PerformanceBox GPS data logger. This samples the speed and position of the car
10 times a second, which can then be analysed on a laptop. The unit is
reasonably priced (£311) and comes with a built in screen so you don't need a
laptop on the track to read key data. It also provides laptimes. See
PerformanceBox - Datalogger and
Performance Meter for more details.
2. A Bullet Camera and solid-state recorder. I used one from MotorsportCameras.co.uk. I had TrackPack2, but as my camera is older and only 480line resolution it was slightly cheaper.
3. Software from TrackVision to merge the data from the logger with the video. You can choose different 'dashboards' - I like the transparent one in the video as it shows speed, G-force, elapsed time and position on the track.
Last update: 4 July 2009